My disgust and exasperation at the moment is directed to those who continue to take every small and every major dilemma, problem, incident happening in Egypt and making them into catastrophic, end-of-Egypt stories – and you know what? There are not that many incidents! But reporters who need to present exciting copy; outsiders who have nothing better to comment on but who got a taste of adrenalin when the revolution happened and desperately want to be part of something momentous to justify their sad little lives- live their lives as Tahrir revolutionaries through Twitter – from far away, safe in their home democracies; Egyptian and foreign “wanna-be”s who need their vanity stroked by having people follow them (but safely in their anonymity of social media); intellectual idiots who do not understand either Egyptian Economy, World Economic workings, and definitely don’t understand the workings of the human mind and spirit – these people annoy the hell out of me at the moment.
Because 8 months after the ousting of Mubarak they are still singing the same old song – just with different names! “Down with Mubarak” “Down with the Ministers” “Down with the PM (whoever he is)”, “Down with the police”, “Down with SCAF”, “Down with the Army”, “Down with the MB”, “Down with the Copts!” “Down with Capitalism” “Down with the Business Owners”,……Down, Down, Down! What a shower of egotistical idiots! Do you feel I am talking to you? Are you one of those who never share anything unless it is sensational and divisive? The good news is that out of a population of 80,000,000 you are in the minority and the majority reject these publicity-seeking stunts.
SCAF say there are foreign agencies at work… know what? Maybe there are. But the real destructive agent at work here is the basic intolerance among Egyptians themselves for anyone different, anyone with a different opinion, anyone with a different religion, anyone who has a better job, anyone who has a better position, anyone who has a lower position, anyone who has no money.
Basically, they appear to hate themselves at the moment. So, if there are any foreign agents here – they got the easiest job in the world. Are you an Egyptian? Next time someone calls you to the street or wants you to tweet, share or stir it up in Egypt – ask youself “Who is this person? What does he want me to do? What does he gain if I do as he asks? Is this good or bad for Egypt? What do I get out of this?”
Look at who you are following on Twitter and FB……do they have anything good or positive to say? If you are a follower – what kind of leader are you following? One who manipulates you by appealing to your baser instincts of greed, resentment, frustration and aggression? Or are you following someone with a vision? Are you following someone with a plan? If you are following an idiot – stop following! Or else you will just be another idiot!
If Egyptians stopped reacting to EVERYTHING and put their energy into positive, non-destructive actions they could achieve anything. Egypt has such possibilities! Right now Egypt does not even grow enough food to feed it’s own population – Egypt imports food – how crazy is that? What does Egypt produce? Practically nothing – it imports mostly everything it consumes – and from where? China – how crazy is that? Yet, there seems to be no Egyptians with the desire or capability at the moment to just go and work, just go and start something – build a small business.
But no, they are waiting for a Big Daddy to hand it all on a plate to them. Perhaps a Big Daddy will appear – maybe this generation will eat from the plate of the “Money Daddy” the IMF and in doing so, sell their children into monetary slavery – much like most of Europe at the moment, not to mention the good old USA – home of the free and the brave, that county has been sold out big time! But there is hope there because the ordinary Americans are waking up.
So, there you have it – I live in a dream world where one day Egyptians will stop blaming, fighting, resenting, beating, killing each other and wake up to the fact that they are all Egyptians – maybe they need a war – that would pull them all together! Pityful – I am sad for Egypt today.
Did I make you angry? Who are you angry with?
So true! People here seem unable to look at the economic realities of the situation. They are quick to believe a nice story when presented with less engaging facts and believe that they deserve everything to be handed to them by the government, as if they money will fall from the sky. Add that to the fact that they are unable to accept responsibility for anything negative on a personal, institutional or professional level and you have a disastrous situation where everyone is playing the blame game. Its always someone else that caused the problems and the person talking is blameless. That person/entity could be the IMF, UN, US, Israel, Mubarak or even whoever is the current government. People refuse to accept that they are largely responsible themselves for Egypt’s situation. Trying to do business here as an expat, leaves one with a very bitter taste. You are constantly lied to and asked to pay exceedingly high prices for poor quality services and products. Everyone thinks he has a right to your money, regardless of the if he completed his work as agreed or not. Until Egyptians take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror, take responsibility for their actions, start meeting international standards for business etiquette, honesty and transparency, and decided to get off their lazy asses and do something positive for their country instead of waiting for money and services to fall from heaven, Egypt will always be a poor miserable country. Since I don’t see any of these things happening I expect the situation here to remain as it is and to slowly get a bit worse.
Hello Brian!! Miss you already. I’m just dipping my toes in and out of the game of life in 3D – the trick being not to get stuck there – right? I see it and yes, I know better if I want to reach Nirvana here…..buuuutttttt you know! :-)Great things are happening here, there are a few of us getting together (I hope) to focus our attention on that and do the earthly, practical footwork also. I’ll keep you up to date – Egypt more exciting than Ireland at the moment…
Keep an eye on me….love you!
Hi David,
My question “are you angry” was really directed to Egyptian readers – but I haven’t had any indignant responses so I think that the ‘thinking majority’ probably agree with me!! 🙂
I am not worried about the Muslim-Christian stuff people are trying to stir up – they are getting the emotional ones onto to the street and they probably have other axes to grind also and take advantage of occasions like Maspero to vent. We all have to live together and soon even the emotionally charged will realise that it is either “live together in peace” or “die”. It sounds hard hearted but there will always be those who want to die as heroes or martyrs. Self-Esteem in death if you haven’t got it in life? Maybe.
There is also an element of mob mentality in these events – I am rational and sensible enough but I got caught up in a mob once – in a university – my raw, animal and aggressive response appalled me! It is something that people should be aware of in themselves – the Egyptians are not used to being in a mob so far! Don’t count the Tahrir Sq. 18 days as a mob because they didn’t have the aggression then, just the feeling of being right and happy!
The tourism is not worrying me as much as the overall economic situation – everyone looking for money and fast improvement without realising there is NO MONEY to give them!! It will take them time to realise they have to be inventive and educate themselves – in rational, logical problem-solving practices, I mean, not higher education….
As for myself and Mara House – thankfully we are doing well, both Mara House and the apts. in Cairo are filling up nicely with visitors, many business people coming to see for themselves the economic situation and happy to have a European to show them around and give them low-down on life as it is now – as well as taking the chance to see the historical places of course – incl. Tahrir!! 🙂
I’m just trying to poke a few “Thinkers” into action 🙂
The only person that can make me angry is me. The only person that can make you angry is you. Tongue-in-cheek, maybe you sound a bit like the ejiits that you are giving out about. What are you doing to ensure peace and happiness. Your rants make you sound like you are angry.
I am never angry. I am worried that the Muslim-Christian violence may get worse and does need to be policed. I am positive that Egypt will settle down after the elections. I am sorry that these incidents will probably once again hit tourism and my heart is with you as you weather all these storms. May Isis go with you.