I seriously doubt if any country has the perfect voting system or if every election is 100% free of fraud etc. and it is important for Egyptians to realise this. They have to take the first steps and hopefully today is the day. It is also to be hoped that everyone will embrace the new democratic way – especially when they find it does not favour them on a given day or in any given election. It is important that Egypt learns how campaign, run free political parties and ride the ever-changing roller-coaster of politics.
My final words on this blog are to all those who have been emailing me wondering if they should cancel their planned trips to Egypt because of the problems around Tahrir – please don’t cancel. None of this upheaval is aimed at you and our economy needs you! 🙂 Pretty much everyone in Egypt welcomes tourists and will go out of their way to see you safe and advise you if there are any places you should not go on any particular day. Keep emailing me for updates if it makes you feel safer – I will advise you if I think you would be in any danger at all – it is not my wish and is certainly not in my best interests to invite or allow you into danger.