Above is the roadside monument near Scota’s grave – Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland

There are variations of this story and I will leave the reader to research further yourself.  There is an Irish and a Scottish version.  This is the Irish version.  Read my article on Akhenaten for some background/insight into why they moved from Luxor to Tel El Amarna and the introduction of the idea of one God.

The Legend of Scota – Egyptian Princess and the conquest of Ireland.

After a decade amidst the sands of Tel El Amarna, the moment had arrived for Akhenaten and the royal family of Egypt to reevaluate their circumstances. The once-tolerant Temple priests had grown weary of their separation from Thebes, known today as Luxor, and the fires of revolt burned bright within their hearts.

Young Tutankhamun, a mere six years of age, was destined to return to Luxor, carrying with him a solemn message from his father Akhenaten – a proclamation that he had erred in his ways and that the ancient gods should be reinstated.  Some tales speak of Nefertari clandestinely accompanying the young prince, shrouded in disguise.  But doubts arise, for she was not his mother, rather a noble wife of lesser standing.  The true mother of Tutankhamun was, in fact, Akhenaten’s own blood sister.

From my limited explorations into the mysteries of antiquity, it appears plausible that the ancient Egyptians held the belief that bloodlines held paramount significance.  Similar notions can be found when delving into the legends of the Knights Templars and the enigmatic Holy Grail, not to mention the royal families of europe.  Thus, in times of uncertainty and volatility, the most prudent course to safeguard their lineage was for members of the royal family to disperse.

Curiously, legends have arisen of a body garbed in Egyptian regalia found beneath the Hill of Tara in Ireland, and another concealed beneath the venerable walls of Trinity College, Dublin.  These whispers lend credence to the tale that Tutankhamun’s sister might have journeyed to the shores of Spain.   Accompanied by a retinue of ships, followers, and valiant soldiers, she sought a new destiny far from her ancient homeland.

In the distant realm of Spain, she encountered a man named Milesius, whose name may well be a variation of the modern-day “Miles.” As a result of various translations of her name I will from here on refer to the princess as “Scota.”   Milesius and Scota had 7 sons.

However, Fate dealt a cruel hand, for Milesius met his end, perhaps because of an age-old feud that had brought him to the shores of Spain.  Yet, Scota, possessing the indomitable spirit befitting an Egyptian royal, would not let her husband’s demise go unavenged.  With unyielding resolve, she mustered her forces and set sail for the distant land of Ireland.  The sea journey, however, proved treacherous, claiming the lives of one of her sons, who fell over board and was lost, while another died of scurvy.

Landing upon the rugged shores of Dingle in County Kerry, the Egyptian forces made their way over the formidable Sliebh Mish mountains, where they established their encampment.  In the ensuing days, they clashed fiercely with the brave Irish warriors, the famed De Danaan.

The bloodshed was brutal, and amidst the battle’s tumult, Scota and one of her valiant sons were tragically lost, alongside an Irish Chieftain and the wife of another Chieftain.   A truce was reluctantly struck, granting the Egyptians the time they needed – a span of ninety days – to mummify the bodies of Scota and her fallen son before giving them a final resting place in Gleann na Scota, near Tralee in County Kerry.

With four surviving sons, the legacy of Scota now embarked upon another chapter.  Sailing northwards, they alighted upon the land known as Caledonia, and in reverence to their illustrious mother, they bestowed upon it the name “Scota Land” – Scotland.

These Egyptian Princes were not content with mere survival; they aspired to avenge the death of the mother and brother.  Thus, with their armies rebuilt, they set forth once more for Ireland. This time, their valor proved triumphant, as they vanquished the reigning Chieftain and assumed dominion over the land.   Their rule was divided amongst the four princes, each taking turns to govern for a span of three years.

Inscribed within the pages of antiquity, one such account bearing witness to this epic saga is enshrined in the “Annals of the Four Masters,” residing in the National Library in Dublin.




​From my own (limited) research I think that the ancient Egyptians believed that bloodlines were of vital importance – much like what you will find when reading up on the Knights Templars, Holy Grail etc. So the best way to preserve the bloodline in uncertain and volatile times would have been for the family to split up.

​The finding of a body with Egyptian regalia under the Hill of Tara in Ireland and another under Trinity College in Dublin gives some credence to the story that Tutankhamun’s sister may gone to Spain. She would, of course have taken, ships, followers and soldiers with her.

​There, in Spain she met Milesius. From now on I will call the princess “Scota” and it is possible that Milesius could have been a version of the modern day “Miles” They married and had 7 sons.

​After some years Milesius was killed. Possibly he was in Spain due to a family feud in Ireland and for that reason he may have been killed. Scota, being of Egyptian royal temperament was not about to let her husband’s death go un-avenged. She gathered her army and set sail for Ireland. On the journey one of Scota’s sons fell overboard and drowned. Another died of some illness. That left 5 remaining sons alive.

​The Egyptian forces landed in Dingle, Co. Kerry. They set out over the Sliebh Mish mountains and made camp. In the following days the Egyptian forces battled fiercely with the Irish warriors known as the De Danaan.

​Scota and one of her sons was killed and so was one of the Irish Chieftains and a Chieftain’s wife. A truce was called. The Egyptians took 90 days to mummify the body of Scota and her son before burial. They were buried in a place called Gleann na Scota near Tralee, County Kerry.

The four remaining sons of Scota sailed for Caledonia and on landing there, they renamed it Scota Land (Scotland).

​The Egyptian Princes set about rebuilding their army and, in time, set sail again for Ireland. This time they succeeded in killing the reigning Chieftain and took control of the country. The princes took it in turns to rule – each for a period of 3 years.

​One ancient manuscript telling this story is the “Annals of the Four Masters” which is in the National Library in Dublin. You can also read the full contents online.