The Mysteries of Dendera Temple
A few of the mysteries of Dendera Temple, where ancient secrets, divine symbolism, underground crypts, hidden passages, and secret rooms wait for you
A few of the mysteries of Dendera Temple, where ancient secrets, divine symbolism, underground crypts, hidden passages, and secret rooms wait for you
We all have questions and we all have problems of one kind or another, so we seek answers. Growing up I used to go to libraries and bookshops, run my eyes over the shelves and whisper “What is here for me today?” Invariably I would come away with anything from 1 to 6 books I…
Our lives are the sum of our days and our days are the sum of the myriad of seemingly small decisions we take each day. When I decided to take my first holiday in Egypt I had no idea I was going to end up selling my house in Ireland and building Mara House in…