Retirement, forced retirement, unemployment in a country experiencing economic disaster, losing a business, physical incapacity, old-age resulting in deteriorating physical mobility, imprisonment, losing children or family whether because they have grown up, moved away or lost through divorce etc. – it strikes me that for a person with an active mind accustomed to leading an active life seven days a week, whichever one of the above scenario you fit into – the end result is the same.

It is an end result that nobody can possibly imagine until -and I say “until” because it comes to everyone of us, except of course you meet with a sudden death! What does one do when you find yourself in that position?  What do you do when there is nothing you can do to change your position?  Do you grieve?  Because it is a kind of “death” experience.  Do you rant and rave and scream in frustration?  Do you find a building to jump off of?  When there is absolutely nothing you can do to change your position, your location, your circumstances and the purpose you had in life – the reason you got out of bed everyday and things you had to do everyday disappears overnight……..what do you do?

If you are not physically bound to your location what do you do?  Do you look for another purpose?  Another reason to get out of bed tomorrow morning?  How?  When you reach an age or a stage in life that you have done everything you want to do but your mind is still as sharp as ever…..what do you do?

Have you found yourself in this position?  I would like to know what you did, or what you are doing if still experiencing this “limbo”  Would you share your story with me here?

When there is nothing to do – what do you do?

One Comment

  1. There are many false beliefs that we cling to. All are based on the idea that we are bodies. Bodies that wear out and die. We change our thinking and a whole new world opens up to us. The one that most of us believe we see is based on fear. Begin to look at the world through love and we are on our final step of the journey back to Presence.

    Retirement is regarded as the end of our careers, our jobs, our work, our involvement in business. Think of retirement as an other change of career, as a new phase of our lives.

    Death is regarded as the end of our lives in a slow and painful deterioration or, as you mentioned, in a tragic accident. Our belief in death is real and one of the cornerstones of the fear view. Death is not real, we are not bodies. When the usefulness of the body is over we drop it and go home.

    We can always change our thinking about what we are. We are as God created us and always remain in Oneness with Him.

    We are here to learn. And we teach what we have learned. The funny thing is that we don’t really learn anything until we teach it. So ask yourself, “What am I teaching?” Are you teaching that the world is a place of fear, misery, suffering and ultimately death?

    We are all teachers. We may not be aware what we are teaching, but we are always teaching. Become a conscious teacher, become aware. Teach peace, happiness and love.

    Teach that the only way to gain access to Presence is by becoming present; that the only way to be healed is to heal; that the only way to be in peace is to be in peace.

    Develop your own techniques for becoming present, but if you’re really stuck you could go to

    We are always thinking. It is the work we are best at and will still be doing long after we drop our bodies.

    Yours in Love, Light, Life, Peace, Joy, Truth, Power, Strength, Free, Safe, Open, Holy.

    PS You could always do A Course In Miracles. And if you don’t want to lift up the book you can do them on-line at

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